Inquire About an Adventure

To enquire about trip, please contact us via email with the dates and type of itinerary you are interested in, as well as any other information that will be helpful for us to develop the perfetct adventure for you

[email protected]

  • Participant Names, Ages & General desired activity level
  • Which itinerary on the site is closest to your goals?
  • How long will you be in Japan before and after your trip with One Life Japan?
  • What places will you visit before and after?
  • How often/far do you walk, ride a bike or hike?
  • Do you have any physical conditions/concerns you would like us take into consideration when planning?
  • Do you have any special requirements for accommodations?
  • Do you have any specific dietary restrictions or allergies?

Thank you.

We will reply to you shortly.

We look forward to sharing rural Japan with you.